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Speedfest XIII

Design Objective One:
Rapid Deployment

The aircraft and launch ramp must be able to be unpacked to flight ready in no less than 10 minutes by a team of no more than 3 people, for two points.
For four points, the aircraft must be flight ready in less than five minutes.

The aircraft is designed for a minimum range of 22 nautical miles (25.3 miles) and flight time of 15 minutes.

During competition, the aircraft will be loaded with two pounds of fuel and must loiter for at least two minutes then pass 10 flags (the distance between the flags is about 1,000 feet).
For the full eight points, the aircraft must loiter for four minutes and pass the most flags of the competition.

Design Objective Two:

Design Objective Three:
Maximum Airspeed

The aircraft must be able to fly at a top speed of at least 100 knots (115 miles per hour) for two points.
For the maximum four points, the aircraft must be the fastest at Speedfest.

Design Objective Six:
Unit Cost

The aircraft must cost less than $20,000 per airframe. Included in this price is one-third of the cost of the launch system, as the intention is to ship one of these with every 3 planes. The labor cost is taken for the 100th plane.

For full points, the unit cost must be less than $15,500 per airframe.

Design Objective Five:
Aircraft Design

The aircraft will be graded by judges in three different categories: fit and finish, handling qualities, and design justification. Each category will be scored from zero to five points. 

Design Objective Four:

The teams must create online marketing materials, including a promotional video and informational website, in order to market their design to a panel of expert judges from industry and government. The marketing display and video are scored from zero to five each.

For four points, the team's promotional material must win Judges' Choice.

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